MikkiPastel Studio

Android developer, Programmer and Blogger

Publish application


2021: Emoji Soundboard

soundboard android application with emoji to remember about sound effect in soundboard.

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2020: MikkiPastel

Redesign app is released in 2016. Show all content from my webblog with MVVM code structure.

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2018: Fildeo

Add filter to your video and preview with ExoPlayer.

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2017: Chicktoys

Squeaky rubber chicken toy android application.

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2016: Loong Sukhum

Transportation application, search from bus number and bus stop name, nearby bus stop, and send feedback to Loong Sukhum team

Website »


2014: feelfit

Running and walking to burn calories in android application, work with ThaiHealth and mindidea.

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Web Application / Chatbot

𝓰𝓸 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓹

2022: 𝓰𝓸 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓹

Sample redirect to YouTube with random trap (in future) with Vercel and React.js.

Talk with Him »


2022: mikkicoding

Digital garden for tutorial content in Gitbook. This project is migrate from Owlvegrammo.

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2021: lilycatbot

Cat characture chatbot in LINE OA. This chatbot is random cat word and no answer for send to user and secret feature for pet cat with purrr sound.

Talk with Him »


2018: เจ้าพ่ออุ๋งชัย

Chatbot for ramdom lotto number and fortune in LINE chatbot

Talk with Him »


2017: น้องหมีตัวแตก

Chatbot for ramdom your lunch food in Facebook Messenger :)

Talk with Him »


2017: Owlvegrammo (archive)

This web application is in PWA online hackathon which flash card for learning programming language. This web can use offline mode and support manifest.

Website »

Android project

Generic placeholder image

2014-2015: BKroute

BKroute, help tourist to traveling in Bangkok by transportation application on android, present idea at MEGA2014 and finalists in Samart Innovation award 2015

Information »

health android application

2013: healthME

health application on android and windows phone, join the competition in AIS the startup 2014

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mymotion stopmotion android application

2012: MyMotion

Stop motion android application project in Mobile Developer subject.

Information »

ipcam android application

2012: IP Camera Surveillance

TESA HYPER CAMP 2012 by TESA and get the cooperation of FORTH Corporation Public Company Limited.

Information »


2024 : iCreator Camp 2024

First Thailand creator camp by RAiNMAKER and faculty of communication art, Chalalongkorn University. Selected 100 creators to study for 4 weeks to professional creator.

iCreator Camp 2024

2023 : Women in Tech: Power Hour Dinner

talk about personal branding from my experience.

Women in Tech: Power Hour Dinner

2022 : How to do my Bio Website

Facebook Live with DigitalX to teach how to do bio website with Glitch.

Watch my session »

How to do my Bio Website

2022 : Dev Mountain Tech Festival 2

This is my first-time public speaking in Chiang Mai and my session is "What’s about NFT for newbie" to talk about my research on How to do my NFT collection.

Watch my session »

Dev Mountain Tech Festival 2

2022 : Hacktoberfest Thailand 2022

I sent call to paper to contribute to my session "How to contribute tech community with your blog" for this event.

Watch my session »

Hacktoberfest Thailand 2022

2022 : Android Bangkok 2022

I came back for a speaker in Android Bangkok again with "Level up with Android Library for Android Developer" session.

Android Bangkok 2022

2022 : Skooldio Creator Square

Camp for tech content creator by Skooldio.

Skooldio Creator Square

2022 : Women Developers Academy SEA

Participate to Exclusive Online Training Program and 1-1 Mentorship with Googler for 4 weeks.

Women Developers Academy SEA

2021 : Bangkok Softskill for Tech #3: Self Management

Speaker for sharing soft skill "Easy PKM for developer" in Clubhouse room.

Bangkok Softskill for Tech #3: Self Management

2021 : Hacktoberfest Open Hack Day Bangkok 2021

Event partner with Thoughtworks for Hacktoberfest Open Hack Day Bangkok 2021.

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Event Page »

The 5th Stupid Hackathon Thailand

2021 : The 5th Stupid Hackathon Thailand

I join this event for create creative application from idea such as Emoji Soundboard, soundboard android application with emoji to remember about sound effect in soundboard, and Lilycatbot, cat characture chatbot.

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Event Website »

The 5th Stupid Hackathon Thailand

2021 : TMRW Creators Camp 2021

I am 1 of 100 content creators selected to participate in this event which instructed by Thailand Professional Creators in Storytelling, Creative Content, Video Production and Live Streaming in May 2021

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TMRW Creators Camp 2021

2021 : International Women's Day, PyLadied Bangkok

I am speaker in International Women's Day, PyLadied Bangkok online event on 8 March 2021 which topic "Modern Software Developer with Modular Architecture" and create animation with Procreate to help explain about this.

Watch my session »

International Women's Day, PyLadied Bangkok

2019 : Staff of Android Developer Meetup 1.0

This is first meetup to join staff role and sprint off this event in 2 weeks. It is so exciting to see Android Developers in this meetup before lockdown by COVID_19.

Excusive for this event »

Android Developer Meetup 1.0

2019 : Today at Apple with Women Who Code Bangkok

I join this event on 7 September 2019 at Apple Store, ICONSIAM. Main activity in this event is join Today at Apple session "App Skills: Making an App Prototype with Keynote".

Blog »

Today at Apple with Women Who Code Bangkok

2019 : Android Bangkok 2019

I am speaker in Android Bangkok 2019 on 7 July 2019 at S31 hotel. My session is "Recommend Material Components in your app" which talk about Android Developer have some problem for create UI in application and it is so difficult to talk to designer in your team. This session talk about recommend some Material Component to use it for solve problem about create layout and understand Material Design for talking it with your designer.

Slide »

Android Bangkok 2019

2018 : GuCode

I am a guess in GuCode S2 EP.18 Chatbot with DialogFlow which tell about begin how to do chatbot in DialogFlow and integrate with LINE account.

Video EP. »

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2018 : Code Mania 111

I am speaker in Code Mania 111 on 10 June 2018 at Siam University. My session is "Kotlin Generation" which said about how to begin and adapt coding with Kotlin in your work for Android Developer

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Q & A »

Code Mania 111

2018 : Android Bangkok 2018

I am speaker in Android Bangkok 2018 on 31 March 2018 at Siam Pic-Ganesha. My session is "ExoPlayer" which expend about my experience for coding with it and share it from Zero to Hero

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Demo »

Android Bangkok 2018

2017 : Kotlin Meetup 1.2

I am a speaker in Kotlin Meetup 1.2 for "PWA with Kotlin" topic on 13 Dec. 2017 at DTAC HOUSE.

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Play it! »

Kotlin Meetup 1.2

2017 : Firebase AppFest Bangkok

Hackathon with Cloud Function in Firebase on 30 September - 1 October 2017 at AIS D.C. This project is chatbot for random your lunch food in carteen by น้องหมีตัวแตก

Talk to Him »

PWA online hackathon

2017 : PWA online hackathon

Online hackathon to build PWA with firebase hosting and push code in github by Web Developer Thailand at 23-25 June 2017 and got 1 in 200 first to submission finished web application.

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Website »

PWA online hackathon

2017 : Google Ignite 2017

Training about digital marketing with Google Adwords by Google Thailand at 11-12 March 2017 and got "Adwords Video Certification" from Google.

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Google Ignite 2017

2016 : Graduate "Innovation Management for Executives (IMEs)" course #14

Course from NIA (National Innovation Agency) and DEI (Distance Education Institute) about innovation management. I get knowledge from commulity friendship such as business model canvas, presentation, digital marketing, and other.

graduted at 27 Nov. 2016

Innovation Management for Executives (IMEs)

2016 : Innovation distric walkathon

Innovation hackathon activity by NIA. Explore Yothi distric for solve problem in hospital with medical tech. Team purpose hand washing machine, Handy smart wash, to solve healthcare provider problem with no more time to clean them hand minutely

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Innovation distric walkathon

2016 : Bangkok Urban Hack Day

Loong sukhum project about bus route, bus number, and bus time with Facebook chatbot and Android application.

Website »

Loong sukhum team

2015 : Samart Innovation Award

Team have won the final round award of 20,000 bath from BKroute application.

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BKroute android application

2014 : MEGA 2014

purpose application about transportation android application name BKroute in contest

Information »

BKroute android application